Wednesday, 1 June 2011

How Love Transformed Pixar into a Seven-Billion Dollar Company

"What has love got to do with work?" Hansen, the TV host, asked me during The Breakfast Show televised live yesterday. "How can love exist in a dog-eat-dog world?"

If we had more time on the show, I'd have told Hansen about how love thrives at Pixar.

Unless you live under a coconut husk, you'll know that Pixar is the world's greatest animation company, maybe the world's greatest company, period. They've produced hits such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Cars and Ratatouille (my favorite). In 1986 it was valued at US$10 million. Twenty years later, Disney bought Pixar for US$7.4 billion.

John Lasseter is the founder-CEO. Here's how he congratulated his young and talented staff for completing Cars 2: "You're the most talented group of animators I've ever worked with. You guys are remarkable and I'm so thankful you're here at Pixar. Thank you for one of the greatest experiences in my life and I love you all..."

You guys are remarkable. And I love you all. Wouldn't you want to work for John? I would. I would give my all for John.

John genuinely liked his staff. He has deep affection for them. He meant his words from the bottom of his heart. John's love for his work, and his love for his people, has made Pixar into a world-class company that produces the best movies -- which, when you think about it, is all about how love triumphs over adversity.

Love has everything to do with work. If you work with love -- for God and for others -- you will thrive. Like Pixar.


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